A Team of Wild Horses – beartooth

After the events of ‘one trick pony’ Ranma and Kasumi have three children who they teach martial arts too. Ranma gets reoccurring dreams about a coming ice age and wonders how to stop it. Sailor Pluto is disturbed that something is interfering with the time gates. The Saotome Children stop a group of boys from hurting a girl called Hotaru and they become friends, Pluto doesn’t like this and tries to stop them. The Saotome’s come across the Senshi fighting a youma and helps out, but Ranma’s attack knocks out the moon cats which the children take home and care for. Luna grows to like them and accidentally reveals her secret, when she is splashed with girl water by a vengeful Shampoo and Mousse. (Sailor Moon Crossover.) Prequel One Trick Pony

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