Roy Fokker damaged the city and either has to pay a fine or look after a kid, Ranma Saotome. Due to complaints of child abuse, children’s aid want to take seventeen year old Ranma away from his father and place him with Roy. Ranma meets his friend Hiroshi and Roy persuades them to join the RDF as pilots. After a funny training period, they are assigned to skull squadron. Aliens attack, Ranma and Hiroshi fight them off and everyone is zapped into space. Ranma manages to use his chi to manipulate the Veritech’s power source and shoot a huge amount of energy out of the lasers destroying a large enemy ship. Ranma continues to use chi to defeat the enemy and even manages to train Roy in how to use it as they battle there way home, while Ryoga pops up occasionally and makes a nuisance of himself. Ranma gets home and finds Akane married to Kuno thanks to Soun who sold his daughter. Sequel RDF Life, The Tiger Chronicles (Robotech/Macross Crossover)